2024 New Construction Bus Tour: Registration & Sponsorship Opportunities Now Open!

Association News,

Registration and Sponsorship Opportunities are now open! 

  • Limit of 6 sponsorship opportunities available
  • Investment: $400
  • Include:
    • 2 attendee tickets
    • Company logo on event website, emails, and attendee swag bag
    • Every sponsor will have dedicated speaking time on the bus

Attendee Tickets

  • Limit of 40 tickets available
  • Tickets: $50
  • Attendee tickets are only available to purchase by management company and apartment community team members. Supplier members must purchase a sponsorship to attend this event.
  • AAWNC members must be logged in to purchase an attendee ticket. 

See you there!

10: AM: The New Construction Bus Tour will start and stop in Biltmore Park Town Square, parking is available here. 

Lunch will be provided at stop 3, The Avery. 

4 PM: Arriving back to Biltmore Park Town Square, please plan to join us for the After Party and continue networking with our event sponsors. Every attendee will receive one complimentary drink ticket.