Election Day is November 5!


November 5 is Election Day

If you missed early voting, be sure to schedule time to vote on Election Day! All voting places are open from 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. on election day.

Locate your polling place here!

The Apartment Party

The Apartment Party represents the political perspective for the rental housing industry, one that transcends individual party affiliation. Regardless of your personal political views, as someone who works in the rental housing industry, it is essential that our industry, speak loudly and with a unified voice. Members of the “Apartment Party” support elected officials who support the industry, whether by cosponsoring favorable housing legislation or consistently meeting with NAA members and local affiliates to discuss our priority issues. 

The November elections are going to be pivotal for the future of housing policy. As a member of the rental housing industry, and therefore the "Apartment Party," it is vital that you support elected officials who have championed housing policy.

By voting for lawmakers and candidates who have a track record of supporting housing policy that helps our industry, you are ensuring that we will have allies in the halls of Congress and state legislatures across the country.

On entering your voting place, give your name and address to the election officials. If you are properly registered, you will be given a ballot to take to the voting booth. If precinct officials are unable to locate your registration record, you may be asked to vote a provisional ballot. 

Board Of Elections Voter Search Lookup Tool

Use this Lookup Tool to: 

  • See your registered name
  • See your registered address
  • See your party affiliation
  • Locate your polling place
  • See your election districts
  • Find your county board of elections

Upon completing the voter lookup this tool will also display: 

  • Your Sample Ballot
  • Your Absentee Ballot Status

Voters Affected by Helenen - NC Board of Election 

Absentee Voting by Mail 

  • Have your ballot sent to you:
    • If you had to relocate due to the storm, you do not have to return to your county to vote. You can request to have your ballot delivered to your temporary housing location or wherever you can receive mail.
    • If you have already requested an absentee ballot and need it to be sent to a new location, contact your county board of elections to spoil your current ballot and reissue a ballot to your new location.
    • If you have requested a ballot but have not received it within a week or believe your ballot may have been lost due to Helene, contact your county board of elections to determine your next steps to ensure you can vote in this election.
    • You can request an absentee ballot online at the North Carolina Absentee Ballot Portal until 5 p.m. Oct. 29, and mail it to, or drop it off at your county board of elections office.
      • Standard way to return the absentee ballot: Mail it through the U.S. Postal Service and be sure to include $1.77 postage. It must be received by 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5.
  • If you are registered to vote in an area under the federal disaster declaration (see Emergency Designation below for more information), you can: