Eviction Prevention - City of Asheville
CARES Act funding: Is intended to support people with income loss due to COVID-19. In our community, also using it to support people with increased vulnerability to complications from COVID-19, due to underlying health conditions as defined by the CDC
Intended to be a last resort for people with no other options
- Requirement to exhaust other resources first (e.g. insurance, payment plans)
- Serving a limited number of households; goal is to serve most vulnerable
Funneled through existing HUD mechanisms.
Round One: $615,934, Round Two: anticipate $800K total
Funds eligible within City of Asheville limits
- Targeting low-income households - 80% AMI or 50% AMI options
- Rents and utilities within HUD-defined Fair Market Rent:
Efficiency: $1,039; 1 bedroom: $1,045; 2 bedroom: $1,255; 3 bedroom: $1,717
Homeward Bound: (828) 772-7497- People at risk of eviction and prior experience of homelessness in past 7 years with a 50% AMI or below.
Pisgah Legal Services: (828) 253-0406 - People at risk of eviction at 80% AMI or below
Eblen Charities: (828) 255-3066
Catholic Charities: (828) 255-0146
ABCCM Crisis Ministry: (828) 259-5300
City of Asheville:
- Brian Huskey bhuskey@ashevillenc.gov (828) 793-0247
- Emily Ball eball@ashevillenc.gov (828) 747.8510